Beneficial Because:
Lacewing larvae are voracious predators of small pests such as aphids, whitefly, caterpillars and leaf-beetle larvae. They will colonise almost any plant where they have a plentiful food supply, and can effectively keep troublesome plant pests under control.
Food and Habitat:
Adult lacewings feed on small invertebrates, but also feed on nectar. Lacewing larvae will feed on many species of soft-bodied invertebrates, particularly aphids. They will also eat invertebrate eggs.
Attracting More:
Lacewings can be encouraged to breed in your garden by providing a wide range of nectar-rich plants. They also need safe havens to hibernate overwinter, such as log piles and dense hedges. Tolerate small aphid outbreaks in spring to help support a thriving summer population of lacewings. Do not use insecticidal soaps or other natural pesticides on plants where lacewing eggs are present.