How to Grow and Cook Collard Greens

, written by Barbara Pleasant us flag

Collard greens

I was born and raised in the South, where collards are more familiar than closely-related kale, a mainstay in northern gardens. Compared to kale, collard greens are faster and easier to grow, and except for the possible exception of ‘Red Russian’ kale, collards produce more harvestable leaves per plant than any greens in my fall garden.

The numbers prove it. After sowing seeds or setting out seedlings in August, I start harvesting outer leaves in late September, and pick more leaves every five days for five to six weeks, or until cold weather seriously slows new growth. I did the math, and my patch of 8 to 10 collard plants provides more than 60 generous servings, or about 200 harvested leaves. Most of my collards go into the freezer, where they stand ready to enrich winter meals with their high levels of vitamins, minerals, and health-enhancing antioxidants.

A primitive version of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Acephala), collards have been cultivated since Roman times, and the word collard is a corruption of colewort, meaning leafy cabbage. As domestication of the subspecies progressed in various parts of the world, cold-hardy kales were selected in northern climates, while gardeners in warmer climates of South America, Africa, Portugal and India selected headless cabbages that could adapt to humid heat and grow in short winter days. Today’s vigorous collard varieties are the result of two thousand years of these efforts.

Contaminated Collards?

I often need to protect broccoli from cabbage worms and must watch for aphids on Brussels sprouts and kale, but these pests rarely show the slightest interest in collards. It is therefore troubling to me that commercial growers in America feel the need to use persistent systemic pesticides when growing collard greens, but it’s true. In 2013, the Environmental Working Group put collards and kale on their Dirty Dozen list after finding the leaves to be contaminated with "pesticides exceptionally toxic to the nervous system." This is an exceptionally good reason to grow your own or buy organic.

Collard seedlings

Growing Collard Greens

Many gardeners direct-seed collards as soon as nights cool down in late summer, or you can set out container-grown seedlings. Direct-seeded collards need aggressive thinning, but the thinned plants make excellent table greens. By the time growing collard plants have been thinned to at least 12 inches (30 cm) apart, they are large enough to start harvesting the oldest leaves. Widely spaced seedlings need a few weeks to fill out, but meanwhile you can use the space between them to grow upright scallions or leeks.

Chilly nights with hints of frost bring out the best in collard greens, which develop leaf sugars that please human palates and work like natural anti-freeze in reducing cold injury to the plants. I wait until the first frosts come in October to start blanching and freezing my collard greens, because those are the best collards of the year. Collard plants will survive winter temperatures to at least 15°F (-9°C), and they produce all winter where winters are mild. In my garden, I keep my collards covered with row cover in early winter to protect them from hungry deer, and then give up the fight when the snow starts flying and my freezer is full.


Cooking Collard Greens

The traditional preparation is to slow-cook chopped collard greens with bacon or ham, but in truth collard greens are a dream veggie for healthy plant-based diets. As a garden cook with basket after basket of collard greens to serve or put by, your first decision is whether to use the leaves whole or chopped. I set aside perfect, medium-size leaves to blanch and freeze whole because they make such excellent wrappers. Sturdier than kale leaves but more flexible than cabbage leaves, whole collard leaves that have been blanched in boiling water for two minutes are so versatile that you can always find a use for them.

And please note: when blanched and cooled, collard leaves can be rolled up like loose cigars and frozen for long-term storage. In addition to using them as wrappers, the thawed collard rolls can be cut into thin ribbons the same width as long pasta such as fettucini or linguini. Add the collard strips to the pasta pot during the last three minutes of cooking as the start of delicious pasta with greens dishes.

But back to whole leaf collard cuisine. Veggie-minded cooks have found that blanched collard leaves can stand in for nori in sushi rolls, substitute for tortillas in enchiladas, or serve as the wrapper for any type of wrap or roll-up. Blanched collard leaves are also a gluten-free alternative to lasagna noodles, and I often use them to line well-oiled baking dishes to form a bottom "crust" for quiches and casseroles. I speak from experience here: It is easy to get hooked on tender young collard leaves, blanched and chilled, then slathered with garlicky hummus and rolled up around slivers of crunchy carrot.

Slight leaf imperfections disappear when collard greens are chopped and blanched, and blanching in boiling water for three minutes also removes bitterness from collard greens harvested after a spell of warm weather. When promptly cooled over ice and frozen, chopped collard greens are ready for use in soups, stews and casseroles until the supply runs out. Fresh from the freezer, collard greens work beautifully in spicy minestrone as well as creamier soups made with potatoes or winter squash.

Legumes such as beans and lentils also make perfect partners for chopped collard greens. Indeed, one of the most popular (and tempting!) recipes I have found combines blanched collard greens with onions, garlic and Indian spices (paprika, cumin and turmeric), which are then combined with a can of garbanzo beans and finished with a dollop of yogurt and a squeeze of lemon. If you thought maybe you didn’t care for collard greens, the first bite will change your mind.

By Barbara Pleasant

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Show Comments


"Great article on collards. I grew them for the first time last year and my husband and I loved them. I don't recall ever liking them growing up. I believe preparation of collards and all veggies makes a big difference. Well be starting mine later this month in Monroeville, AL. "
Jackie on Friday 2 August 2013
"Reading your recommendations here in the UK I sometimes wonder what you mean by "The South". Buckinghamshire and Alabama are usually very different climatically"
Alan S on Friday 2 August 2013
"Try whole blanched collard leaves filled with a mixture of ground lamb, finely minced onions, a clove of finely minced garlic and chopped pignolis, salt and pepper to taste. Combine the raw meat and all other ingredients; place a handful on a leaf of greens and then wrap the leaf around the meat (either like a cigar roll or envelope style. Place all filled leaves, seam sides down, in a pot that has a well-fitted lid and add 1/4cup olive oil and juice of half a lemon (or more if you like it tangy). Add a bit of chicken, beef or vegetable stock and cover the pot. Cook over medium/low heat until meat is cooked through and leaves are tender...I don't use a recipe, I just cook by instinct. You may use any dolmas recipe or one for cabbage rolls if you are more comfortable with a "measured" style of cookery. I have used ground pork, chopped chicken, ground veal or beef instead of lamb on occasion - all with delicious results. "
DR-T on Saturday 3 August 2013
"Thanks Barbara, my wife and I are growing collards for the first time this year. This post was very helpful!"
Ian Harrold on Friday 9 August 2013
"It was nice knowing about collard greens. Your post'll surely help many people to knwo about growing and cooking collard greens!" on Monday 12 August 2013
"In the Real south we take several leaves,roll them and cut them like spaghetti,until there is enough for a meal.then we boil them with a ham hock,a whole onion,salt pepper and a bit of sugar.cook for about 30 to 45 min. depending on the should have a small amount of juice in your pot when finished. Enjoy!"
Lois on Thursday 4 September 2014
"A friend gave me a packet of collard seeds, and I planted them in March of this year 2021. The plants are thriving now, early June, and I've been cooking the chopped collard greens along with beet greens, either boiling them or steaming them. The article opened my eyes to other uses of collards, like wrappers, or a substitute for lasagna noodles. And now I know I'll have a winter crop here in my New England area."
Cynthia Riggs on Monday 7 June 2021

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